Doing Nothing is Not An Option

Who We Are

Making a safer tomorrow, by making a difference in the war on human trafficking.

The Meadows Edge Bumblebee Project's goal is to enable, empower, and unite those who make a difference in the fight against human trafficking through change, collaboration, and the use of intelligent technology solutions to share information and services. We intend to accomplish this goal through the following methods:
  • Unite the frontline organizations fighting human trafficking and build a global information data repository of accurate information.
  • Gain academia interest and support to create useful analytics to drive and support change in laws and government.
  • Educate government and law enforcement on the relationship between human trafficking and national security.
  • Build a global data warehouse and provide actionable intelligence.

How We Help

The Global Human Trafficking Information Center (GHTIC)

The GHTIC conducts intelligence and fusion processes through which information is collected, integrated, evaluated, analyzed, and securely disseminated to end-users through one or more of the five pillars supporting the general population and NGO, government, public, and law enforcement communities. The fusion center will provide both actionable intelligence and predictive analysis products.

The Five Pillars

Education & Awareness

Provide a filtered but informative public facing portal showing a global picture of the trafficking problem for awareness and education.

Collaborative Tool Box

This portal allows for collection of data, sector analytics, and shared directory of NGO services and capabilities by geographical area.

Public Research & Analytics

Identify and partner with responsible universities and provide current data to promote research and publish sound and informative papers.

Law Enforcement Portal

Provide access to information and actionable intelligence supporting disruption, prosecution, and recovery operations.

Recovery & Disruption

Provide near-real-time operational support for deployed organizations, recovery teams, and repatriation operations.

How It works

GHTIC sector directors will work with sector organizations to monitor concerns and ensure the safety of both organization personnel and the victims. The directors will ensure collaboration internally within each of the five focus areas and horizontally between each focus area, as well as ensure technology solutions and business practices support the goal.
A compliance panel comprised of international experts in Human Trafficking, law, and the directors of each sector will be formed, charged with ensuring the safety of participating organizations and victims. The panel will be responsible to approve what information is captured and who can access data. The following methods will be used to ensure compliance and effectiveness:
  • Dvelop and maintain an effective Quality Control Program (QCP) to ensure services are performed in accordance with GHTIC best practices.
  • Develop and implement procedures to identify, prevent, and ensure non-recurrence of defective services.
  • The QCP will provide metrics needed to measure and improve performance throughout each phase of the project plan.
  • Analysis of metrics thresholds will be set to initiate a preventive action following the Preventive Corrective Action Process.
  • Perform periodic review of the QCP, project plan, and technical requirements.

Who We Help

Human trafficking is a crime against humanity affecting the personal rights of twenty-plus million people globally and will not stop without active intervention.

Anti- Human Trafficking Advocate & Service Organizations

Anti- Human Trafficking advocate and service organizations including volunteer organizations servicing refugee camps

Research Universities & Organizations

Research universities and organizations that will produce authoritative research and findings to support education and change in laws.

General Citizens

General citizens who will be given problem awareness information and education .

Law Enforcement Community

Law enforcement community who will receive analyzed data (intelligence products) to better protect the victims and disrupt the criminals.

Recovery Organizations

Recovery organizations that conduct active recovery and reclamation.

Medical Facilities & Reclamation Centers

Medical facilities and Reclamation centers that will provide effective treatment protocols for victims and families.

